Sunday, 22 December 2019

Advent Hope (1998) from Lichfield Cathedral on the BBC

To celebrate the 21st anniversary of the live broadcasts in 1998, the four programmes which made up the BBC's Advent Hope series have been published on each of the Sundays of Advent on YouTube over the past four weeks.

The programmes were originally broadcast live at 9.30am, having been preceded by congregational rehearsals at 8.45am. After the broadcasts, the Cathedral Choir went on to sing Eucharist at its usual 10.30am slot on the second, third and fourth Sundays of Advent, and Evensong at 3.30pm on the second and third Sundays of Advent. Eucharist on the first Sunday of Advent was sung by the Cathedral's Chamber Choir, as the Cathedral Choir was singing the Darkness into Light carol service later in the evening. Evensong on the fourth Sunday of Advent was sung by the Chamber Choir, as the Cathedral Choir did the BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong broadcast on Wednesday 23 December, and the choristers sang the Radio 4 Daily Service on Christmas Eve. (The Chamber Choir then went on to broadcast Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve on BBC Radio 4.) Christmas 1998 was a media-rich time at Lichfield!

The Advent Hope services were all introduced by the then Dean, The Very Reverend Dr N T Wright; the Organist and Master of the Choristers at the time was Andrew Lumsden, and the Assistant Organist was Robert Sharpe.

Advent Hope I
(originally broadcast 29 November, 1998; published 1 December, 2019)

Advent Hope II
(originally broadcast 6 December, 1998; published 8 December, 2019)

Advent Hope III
(originally broadcast 13 December, 1998; published 15 December, 2019)

Advent Hope IV
(originally broadcast 20 December, 1998; published 22 December, 2019)